More Communities Sensitized on Gender Based Violence (GBV)
13 more communities in Fako, Moungo and Menoua Divisions on preventing GBV especially in the conflict context in the North and South West regions which has spilled over into...
13 more communities in Fako, Moungo and Menoua Divisions on preventing GBV especially in the conflict context in the North and South West regions which has spilled over into...
As part of a coalition led by LUKMEF and funded by STREET Child Uk coupled with funds from All We Can UK, NADEV launched activities to stop the spread...
One of NADEV’s pre occupations is her continuous advocacy on gender issues, GBV and its effects on the victim, perpetrator and the society at large. After reaching 10 communities...
The Nkong Women Entrepreneurship Project (NWEP) has, within the last 22 years, demonstrated its prowess at reducing poverty among low income women and building the economic resilience of their...
Nkong widow’s piggery program started some 12 years ago. Its main goal is to alleviate poverty amongst vulnerable widows in rural communities. Statistically in the past 07 years, some...
Three years implementation of NADEV five years strategic plan (2016-2020), NADEV staff, few Board members and All We Can Partnership Manager Charlie had a workshop in Douala from 5th...
2019 Planning meeting took place on January 09, 2019 at NADEV Conference Hall in the presence of 07 project staff and was presided over by the Coordinator. The meeting...
NADEV is at it again. As a means of reducing GBV in our society of today, NADEV in partnership with AMCODE recently sponsored 09 couples formally living in free...
It is in this line that NADEV carried out a relief action at the NADEV Conference Hall to 40 IDPs accompanied by their host families under their Trust Fund;...