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Within the framework of promoting education for every children, NADEV in partnership with Street Child Cameroon ran a catch up classes’ project aimed at improving community level access, safety and learning in education for IDPs and vulnerable pupils in 3 primary schools in Fako.

NADEV in partnership with Street Child Cameroon undertook a pilot education project with the objective of improving numeracy and literacy level of pupils in Fako division south-west  through a new methodological approach TaRL ( Teaching at the Right Level). This approach is based on assessing the pupils, grouping them into different learning level and monitoring their progress. 3 primary schools were selected (GS Great Soppo Group 2, CBC Mutengene and GS Motombolombo). 4 NADEV staff and 13 teachers were trained on the TARL methodological approach. 2 sessions of 1/2hours per teachers were organized per week where teachers could determine learning level via individual assessment, group the pupils according to learning level and finally track their progress regularly. Also teaching and learning material were distributed such as exercice                        books, pens, pencils, mathematic books, story books, charts etc…

In the course of implementing this pilot education project NADEV field staff were in charge of following up the teaching sessions and making sure that the TaRL methodology was effectively practiced by the teachers. As a Result of this project 500 pupils were enrolled (271 girls and 229 boys) out of which 422 pupils attended the catch up classes regularly, out of the 422 pupils 229 moved from learning level to another.

With the implementation of this pilot project we realized that the Teaching at the Right Level Methodological approach is very effective in improving on children’s learning abilities and can be applied in both formal and informal learning contexts.

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