Sustainable Livelihood & Agriculture

Since 1998 NADEV has been involved in promoting agriculture activities including the cultivation of improved seed maize. NADEV has also since 2002 been working with the National Employment Fund to provide technical and credit support to over 250 farmers groups in Fako, Lebialem and Kupe Manengouba divisions through the National Employment Fund’s PADER programme. Over 1400 subsistence farmers have thus been supported. Other programmes have included the training of women’s groups on organic farming, carrying out surveys, the organisational development of farmers’ organisations, and the promotion of mushroom cultivation. In the livestock sector, NADEV has since 2009 supported over 250 widows to do small backyard pig raising in Fako, Meme, and Lebialem divisions.In addition to education, the Hill Top Organization also emphasizes entrepreneurship and economic development. We recognize that economic empowerment plays a crucial role in lifting communities out of poverty. Through training programs, mentorship initiatives, and microfinance opportunities, they support aspiring entrepreneurs in starting their businesses or expanding existing ones.

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