Our Focus Areas.

What’s At Stake?

The Feeding America network is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, working to connect people with food and end hunger.

Peacebuilding & Social Cohesion

Peace is one of the top priorities of any...

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Food Security & Sustainable Livelihood

In Cameroon, more than 40% of her 23.7 million...

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Health & Wash

Infection Prevention & Control, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (IPC/WASH)...

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Education in emergency & protection

Education for children in emergencies is not just about...

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Our volunteers who are always going through the service

Gifts in Wills power half of our saving work

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The decision to partner with Blackbaud was driven by athe fact that it is a leader in the marketplace when it comes to offering a comprehensive package.
Building a Better World through Activist Projects

We’re leading a global community of humanitarians to create a future where everyone can prosper.

0 people reached across the world in the last year
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