Enterprise Development

Small Business Development Since 2006 NADEV has carried out small business training for over 2500 women spread through Fako, Meme, Lebialem divisions. The beneficiaries are further linked to NC4D micro finance for financing. This programme includes sensitisation of communities and traditional authorities on women’s and especially widows’ rights. Widows are also supported with livestock raising to improve on their income levels. Micro Credit scheme From creation NADEV has been mobilizing savings through a weekly savings scheme. Service delivery has recently been enhanced through mobile savings collections. The savings have been used to deliver micro credits to low-income persons. Over 500 self-help groups have been financed with part funds from All We Can Methodist Relief and Development,London. In 2009 NADEV launched Nkong Credit for Development (NC4D) as a fully regulated micro finance institution which now has seven branches in different locations in the South West Region.In addition to education, the Hill Top Organization also emphasizes entrepreneurship and economic development. We recognize that economic empowerment plays a crucial role in lifting communities out of poverty. Through training programs, mentorship initiatives, and microfinance opportunities, they support aspiring entrepreneurs in starting their businesses or expanding existing ones.

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